Thank you for choosing the Salt Fork YMCA! At the Y, we live out our commitment to youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility by providing programming based on the YMCA’s four core values — caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility. Please refer to the information below to learn about policies and guidelines in our facility.
Member Guidelines
Nondiscrimination Policy:
It is the policy of the YMCA to make membership available to all persons regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, martial status, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, or financial circumstances without discrimination.
Member Dress Code:
At the Y, please understand that appropriate clothing must be worn at all times in each area of the facility. For example:
- Shirt/tank top must be worn in all areas except the gymnasium and aquatic center at all times
- Clean closed toed/closed heeled athletic footwear required (no sandals, flip flops, or Crocs)
- Clothing with vulgar messages are prohibited
- In the swimming pool: only swimsuits may be worn (cut-off jeans and gym shorts are not acceptable swim wear).
Membership Dues:
The Salt Fork YMCA offers two membership payment options: monthly, or annual. Monthly memberships are deducted from your credit, debit, savings, or checking account on the first or the fifteenth of the month. The membership is continuous, though you may cancel at anytime with a thirty days written notice. Should you cancel your membership, you may rejoin within 30 days to avoid paying the Joining Fee again. Annual memberships must be paid in full and are non-refundable. Membership rates are subject to change; you will be notified in writing before any changes take place.
Scholarship Assistance:
It is policy of the YMCA to serve all people regardless of financial situation. Scholarship assistance shall be provided to qualifying individuals subject to available resources and following guidelines.
Refunds or Extensions:
The YMCA may grant a refund of membership dues, or an extension of
membership renewal date, when requested by a member due to:
a) Serious illness, substantiated by a doctors statement and at the beginning of the illness.
b) In other cases approved by the Executive Director or the Member Services Director.
Membership Card:
Your card is intended for your use and is not transferable to any other individual. If you forget your card, please bring your photo ID. Lost cards may be replaced for $5.
Acceptable Behavior:
The Y is based on the values of Caring, Honesty, Respect, Responsibility. We expect all people using our facilities and participating in our programs to respect themselves and each other. We reserve the right to suspend membership if a person fails to live up to any of the character values on which we are based.
Tobacco & Alcohol Free:
For your own health and the consideration of others, no alcohol, smoking, or other tobacco products (this includes electronic cigarettes and hookah’s) may be used in Y facilities or grounds or other off-site Y program locations.
Members, guests, day pass users and class participants are advised that they use all Y premises, facilities, equipment and program activities at their own risk. Serious injury may result from your participation. In the event you believe that an activity might cause harm, you are advised to consult your physician or Y staff person for more information. The Y does not carry health or accident insurance on your behalf.
Lost & Found:
Lost and found can be claimed at the Member Services desk. We hold items up to two weeks before they are donated to charity. The Y is not responsible for lost or stolen property.
Locker Use & Rental:
Day use lockers and locks are available by exchanging your membership card at the Member Services desk. Please remove your personal lock each day. If you wish to rent, please see the Member Services desk. Lockers rent for $60 per year or $5 per month with your bank draft. No male child over the age of 5 is allowed in the women’s locker room and no female child over the age of 5 is allowed in the men’s locker room.
Membership Termination:
If a member wishes to cancel their membership, 30 days written notice is required prior to the date of cancellation. This also applies to any changes that are made to payment information, accounts, and membership type. Changes and/or cancellations will only be accepted in writing.
Suspension or Revocation of Membership:
Membership privileges may be suspended or revoked by the Executive Director.
a) The length of suspension or a refund of membership dues or fees will be determined by the same authority.
b) A person whose membership in a branch has been suspended or revoked shall not be eligible for membership in any other branch of the association during the period of suspension or revocation.
Sexual Offender Background Check Policy:
We consider it of great importance to provide a safe and threat-free environment. For this reason, the YMCA monitors the sexual offender registry. Persons on the list will not be eligible for YMCA membership, program participation, volunteer, or employment opportunities with this YMCA.
Member Input:
We value suggestions for improving the YMCA. A mechanism for member comments is in place and email and phone contact information is made available to members for suggestions or concerns. The YMCA requires the measurement of member satisfaction and reports findings to the voluntary Board of Directors on a monthly basis.
The Salt Fork YMCA is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all members and
guests. For this reason, ensuring the safety and wellbeing of young people is foundational to everything
we do at the Y to help them learn, grow, and thrive.
Facility usage:
Youth under the age of 10 must be accompanied by an adult to access all areas
Youth under the age of 10 must be signed in and out of program areas by an adult.
(The Y does not provide formal supervision of children unless registered, and
properly signed into a program, or checked into Kid’s Gym or Child watch during
scheduled supervision.)
Fitness center and free weight facility usage:
Youth under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult to access the fitness
center and free weight facility.
Aquatics area usage:
Youth under the age of 10 and are not participating in a YMCA program must be
directly supervised by a parent/guardian.
Facility Usage curfew:
Youth under the age of 16 will be required to leave the facility an hour before
closing unless accompanied by an adult.
Facility usage during School hours:
As mandated reporters the organization will not allow facility access to children who are truant from school. Individuals’ parents will be contacted to confirmed approved absence from school. Should a parent be unavailable the youth’s school will be contacted.
All youth members are expected to adhere to general facility usage policies per the Salt Fork YMCA Membership agreement.
24/7 Access Policy Agreement
- Member must scan their 24/7 Access Fob to enter the building. Member must pull door closed and may not hold the door open for other persons.
- Member may not bring in guests. Guests may utilize the facility only during normal hours of operation.
- Member may not allow anyone else to use their 24/7 Access Fob. The member assumes all responsibility for their Access Fob and must notify the YMCA immediately if it is lost or stolen. Member is not allowed to prop any doors open in the facility.
- Member agrees that he/she shall not engage in any type of commercial or business activity while using the facility. Member shall not act as a trainer for other members in the facility.
- Member agrees to contact the YMCA the following day if they observe a “non- emergency” situation or issue. Failure to report any violations may result in the loss of 24/7 Access privileges. A phone is available for 911 calls ONLY.
- For YMCA staff to properly close the YMCA facility each evening, 24/7 Access members in the Y at the time of closing must completely exit the front entrance and re-enter with their Access Fob.
- There is to be no loitering on YMCA property – inside or out!
- Member agrees to adhere to all YMCA policies regarding appropriate attire, behavior, sanitation, and care of equipment. Use of any personal device to play music audibly when sharing the facility with other members is prohibited. Member agrees to be respectful of other members regarding music, language, and use of equipment.
- Member accepts full responsibility for all personal property brought onto the premises or into the YMCA.
- Member agrees to the monthly costs associated with this membership that will be drafted automatically from their account.
ZERO TOLERANCE: If a member chooses to violate this agreement and/or any of the policies of the YMCA, the YMCA reserves the right to terminate the Member’s 24/7 Access privileges, cancel their membership or prosecute for criminal activity. During the period of any such termination, the Member shall not be entitled to a credit for any repayment of dues or other fees due or paid pursuant to this Membership agreement.
Guest Passes:
Primary Salt Fork YMCA members are entitled to bring in 2 guests each year. Guests are limited to two complimentary visits per year. Members must accompany their guests at all times. At peak times, the YMCA reserves the right to limit guest usage.
Day Passes:
Community Members are welcome to use the facility by means of a day pass. At peak times, the YMCA reserves the right to limit day pass usage. Daily fees cover the use of the facilities, including open swim/lap swim, open gym, and the walking track; schedule and age restrictions apply. Children under 10 years old must have direct supervision by a parent/guardian 18 years or older while using the facility.
Day Pass Fees:
Youth: $6.00 (17 and under) Adult: $10.00
Salt Fork YMCA Facility Guidelines
To promote safety, all individuals are asked to act appropriately and follow rules/ guidelines at all times within our facility or when participating in our programs. We expect persons using the Y to act maturely, to behave responsibly, and to respect the rights and dignity of others. The following actions listed below are behaviors considered inappropriate in our facilities, programs, and in online communities, and therefore not allowed. Please note this is not an exhaustive list.
- Please uphold the YMCA core values of Honesty, Respect, Caring, and Responsibility.
- Must be 14 years or older to work out in Wellness Center (unless in a YMCA designated program).
- Family Friendly dress code enforced.
- Shirts and athletic footwear are required. Shoes must be closed toe, athletic shoes.
- Please be courteous to other members and wipe down machines after use.
- Remember to use proper gym etiquette; allow others to work sets in and do not rest on machines.
- No food or drinks other than water/sports drinks.
Please limit time on cardiovascular equipment to 30 minutes at peak times
- Must be 14 years or older to work out in free weight area. No Exceptions.
- Please wipe down equipment after use.
- Return weights to rack after use.
- For your safety, collars/clamps must be used and a spotter is strongly recommended when lifting heavy weights.
- Do not sit on equipment during rest; allow others to work in.
- No food or drinks other than water/sports drinks
- Family friendly dress code enforced.
- Shirts and athletic footwear are required. Shoes must be closed toe, athletic shoes.
- All swim lessons must be taught by Salt Fork YMCA staff.
- Please shower before entering pool.
- Eating and drinking are not allowed on pool deck.
- Approved bathing suits and swim trunks required.
- All children in diapers must wear swim diapers to prevent leakage.
- Children who cannot touch the bottom are not allowed in the pool without a parent or lifejacket.
- Breath holding and long periods of underwater swimming are not permitted.
- Lap swimming may be limited during aquatics programs
- Please no food or drink in the gymnasium area.
- Dunking and/or hanging on the basketball rims is prohibited.
- The gym will be closed for youth and some adult sports activities.
For more information contact us at 660-886-9622 and speak with one of our Membership Representatives.