The Salt Fork YMCA is committed to providing health and wellness opportunities to everyone, at every stage of life. Our YMCA offers aqua exercise, yoga, pickleball, connection and community, and more. We have fitness programs that are designed to meet everyone at their fitness level and promote well-being while fostering friendships and connection.
Many Medicare supplement plans include a free membership to the Y. Check with your insurance provider to find out if your insurance plan provides you with a free membership. The Salt Fork YMCA is currently partnered with United Health Care. If you are a part of a Medicare health supplement plan through United Healthcare, you may already be eligible for a free membership.
To find out if you are eligible click HERE for more information.
Upcoming Events
Monthly Potluck

New Theater & Restaurant
Join us for our next trip to the New Theater & Restaurant to see An Old-Fashioned Family Murder. Will one be Murdered…Or Will One be the Murderer? Find out on October 9th! Registration is open! Limited space available.

Stay Active

Group Exercise Classes
We offer many classes that are geared towards older adults that are gentle on joints and encourage free range of motion.

Pickleball at the Y
Visit us to play the fastest-growing sport in the U.S.! It’s easier on the body and has a simpler learning curve than other racket sports. Click Learn More to find our schedule and learn the rules of the game.